Sharing my experiences to help others.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Preparing to Swarm

I have been closely monitoring the hive after observing a large quantity of queen cups. The hive's population has increased exponentially since early spring, and it is obvious that they are preparing to divide (swarm). It has been very wet and cool in the region lately, and this is causing them to become stir-crazy and crowded. Every comb is covered to the brim with bees, and under many of those combs are capped brood. To combat this overcrowding, the hive prepares these queen cups and the current queen 'works out' to get her body ready to fly - something she hasn't done since her mating flight at 22-27 days old.

Queen and Drone: Mating Flight

Yesterday (April 28) I found at least four queen cups with EGGS! Swarming is evident and soon. I am thankful that my dad constructed a second hive as that will be used to complete an artificial swarm. This will be my first attempt at the technique which splits the hive. In the new hive will be placed the current queen, half the capped brood, larvae, honey and pollen, workers and nurse bees (which will be quite easy with it being chilly and damp outside). The key is to be sure that in this new hive are no queen cups. The old hive will have the queen cells (queen cups with eggs) that the nurse bees will rear.

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